Taking Your Baby Shopping List to a Baby Clothes Sale

Taking Your Baby Shopping List to a Baby Clothes Sale

Tiny little dresses, bodysuits, shoes and pants - you'd think things this tiny would be cheaper, but they aren't.Before you buy a few sets for your baby, you'll find that you're pretty much topping your budget out.What is worse even, these clothes may well fit your child for a couple of months before she outgrows them.So, what do you do? You head for a baby clothes sale, of course.The question of course is, where?The fact that we all have smartphones these days has practically started off a revolution in shopping.We have something called shopping apps now?names like ShopSavvy and RedLaser that get on the Internet, scan the barcode tags on any item you want, and they tell you where on earth there is another identical piece that's cheaper.If you don't just want regular low prices, how about scanning the article in question into CouponSherpa? That little app will give you information about where you can find coupons.Want to save in two ways on the same dress? How about buying used? That's right, you can go to a second hand baby clothes sale and buy there just like that.You see, there are new millions of other parents out there who have been in the same situation that you are now.They buy clothes for their little ones (plenty of them) and then discover that hey, babies go grow fast.So what you get in these places has been perhaps been worn a couple of times, if that.To look for these used baby clothes sale alternatives, check on Children's Orchard, eBay or Craigslist.If you suspect that there should be other homes in your immediate neighborhood where parents should be willing to offload a few things you need, Neighborgoods and Freecycle should be right up your street.While you're at it, you might as well pick up cheap, used baby furniture and other stuff.Of course, you couldn't even think of doing a thing like this when your child grows up to be five or so.She'll be fashion-conscious by then.Right now though, what you say goes.Your baby just doesn't know the difference.Be prepared to take advantage of it.Did you know that just because you buy something new now, doesn't mean you can't save on it afterwards if prices drop? Save your receipts.If the store announces a price drop up to a week or so after you buy, you can get a refund.Of course, keep looking online for a new baby clothes sale or two.

Taking Your Baby Shopping List to a Baby Clothes Sale


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