How Do I Get Holmes HWF75PDQ-U Wick Humidifier Filter

List Price : $14.99 Price : $7.95 Holmes HWF75PDQ-U Wick Humidifier Filter
as of 2013-02-11 05:19 PM

Product Description

Replacement wick filter for Holmes humidifiers:HM-3500, 3600, 3640, 3650, 3655-White Westinghouse: WWHM3300, WWHM3600. Filter features antimicrobial product protection that kills 99.0% of bacteria.

Holmes humidifiers add moisture to indoor air, thereby decreasing the susceptibility to illness and common colds that breathing dry air can cause. This HWF72/HWF75 replacement filter features an antimicrobial barrier by Microban that inhibits mold, mildew, and bacteria growth inside the humidifier. The stretchy, circular filter measures 7-3/4 inches wide by 32 inches in diameter, and fits Holmes console models HM3500, HM3600, HM3640, and HM3650. The filter should be replaced every 4 to 8 weeks, or as necessary depending upon water quality. --Ann Bieri

  • Improves efficiency of the humidifier
  • Holmes Filter Fits: Holmes: HM-3500, 3600, 3640, 3650, 3655-White Westinghouse: WWHM3300, WWHM3600
  • Extended filter life with help of reinforce outer layer
  • Extends product life as less mineral deposits will attach to the unit
  • Antimicrobial Treated
  • Customers may receive HWF75, which is the exact same product aside from a different packaging configuration

Holmes HWF75PDQ-U Wick Humidifier Filter Reviews


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