Beco Butterfly II Baby Carrier - Paige

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List Price : Price : $189.00as of 2012-08-06 11:19 PM
Beco Butterfly II Baby Carrier - Paige

Product Description

The Beco Butterfly Baby Carrier combines great ergonomics, excellent weight distribution and stylish design. Every piece is handmade from top quality designer fabric and heavy duty webbing and buckles, and can be used with children from newborns to toddlers, in both front and back carries. The innovative internal sling enables you to securely buckle your baby into the carrier, then handle Baby + Carrier as a single unit. You can put your baby on your back very easily, just like putting on a backpack! The Beco Butterfly's removable infant insert for newborns allows your little baby under 15 pounds to ride higher in the carrier in an ergonomically comfortable position. When your baby outgrows the need for the newborn insert, you simply place her into the main Y shaped internal sling attached to the carrier's shoulder straps, which improves the distribution of the baby's weight and enables parents to pass baby from one wearer to another without taking the baby out of the carrier. The inside panel acts as a safety harness and prevents baby from slipping down or falling out of the carrier. 1) Child can be worn on front or back and easily shifted from one to the other. 2) Tall, tapered carrier body provides lots of upper body support for your baby or toddler, holds baby close to your body for greater comfort. 3) A Sternum (chest) strap is connected to the shoulder straps and slides along their length. 4) Padded waistband is firm and supportive while maintaining a slim profile. 5) High quality designer fabrics are smooth, stylish, and comfortable against the skin. 6) Padded leg holes prevent chafing of little thighs. 7) User waist range fits 25 to 50 inches (63 to127cm). 8) User height range fits from 4 foot 9 to 6 foot 2. (144cm to 188cm).

  • White stylized flowers on a charcoal grey background. Black straps.
  • Comfortably carry your baby in front in the Beco Butterfly, or easily wear your baby on your back. Great for newborns all the way up to 45 pounds.
  • Not bulky like the Ergo or frame carriers, the slim-fitting Beco enables you get your baby on your back as easily as slipping on a backpack.
  • Padded waistband and shoulder straps provide luxurious comfort. Two-shouldered support is ergonomically superior to one-shouldered carriers.
  • The Beco Butterfly has a handy removable sleeping hood to support a head of a napping child. It can be also used as protection from sun, rain or snow, although it is not waterproof. The sleeping hood is stored in a pocket on the waist belt, and can be used in front and back carry.

Beco Butterfly II Baby Carrier - Paige Reviews

Beco Butterfly II Baby Carrier - Paige Reviews
Customer Reviews
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51 of 52 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Highly suggest!, January 17, 2010
D. Kubitz (Seattle, WA USA) - See all my reviews
Let me start this off by saying that I have tried just about every carrier out there. Snugli, Hotsling, Hip Hammock, mai-tais and various other slings and carriers. By the time my son was 1 and I still hadn't found one I liked I had almost given up on baby wearing. I'm a larger girl with a big bust and bad back. Nothing was comfortable for me. I borrowed a friends Ergo and for me it was still uncomfortable. I also didn't like that I had to use the waist extender. But as far as carriers go it worked out the best for me. Until I did some online searching. I found the butterfly and read about it. There were so many great features. One of my favorite is that I could take my son off of me and transfer him to my partner without taking him out. I also felt MUCH safer putting him on my back with the Beco instead of the Ergo. But that's just me. The biggest selling point for me was that it came with everything whereas with the Ergo you had to buy the extras.
Now I have a 6 week old and... Read more
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29 of 29 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Grandma's New Best Friend..., November 1, 2009
Or, Where Were These 31 Years Ago...

After looking at the pro's and con's of the numerous baby carriers out there, I decided on purchasing a Beco Butterfly II for my daughter's first baby. I will admit there was an ulterior motive - my upper body strength isn't that great and I was going to help out with the newborn. I wanted to be able to carry the baby but wanted to have my arms and hands free since I like to multitask. We chose the Beco Butterfly II for many reasons.

The Beco was highly recommended by a number of maternity shops; these shops carried several brands, so it wasn't just to make the sale of a Beco. The similarity to a good backpack was egnomically important since two of the grandparents have back problems; the Beco distributed weight evenly and provided lower back support. The adjustability of the carrier was paramount since there are six users who range from 5'1" in height to 5' 10" and whose weights range from 110 to over 200 pounds. All of... Read more
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27 of 27 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Get this one!!! Much better than Ergo, Lillebaby, and Bjorn - I've used all of them., May 14, 2011
If you're in the market for a baby carrier, please heed my advice: GET THIS ONE. You'll never regret it.

I've extensively used the bjorn and ergo while nannying, and I bought the Lillebaby when we had our own last September - used it for 8 months. I then tried my friend's Beco. Within a week I had sold my Lillebaby - and took a big hit. The Beco is worlds above those other carriers, and I can tell you exactly why:

The Ergo and the Lillebaby are basically the same setup. With both of them you have to snap the top snap behind your neck while the baby is already IN the carrier. This basically means that the top snap will always be too high on your shoulders and neck to be comfortable. Don't be fooled by the salespeople who adjust it for you and tell you you'll learn to adjust it yourself. It's not possible to get that top back snap any lower on your back with the baby in the carrier, unless your spouse is home to move it down after you have it on with the baby. I... Read more
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